A suspicious token airdrop labeled “GAS Airdrop Ticket” has been distributed to wallets on the Neo blockchain. Neo users who received the airdrop are advised not to interact with the token or any related websites.

The airdrop began on March 18, 2025, at 12:21:47 UTC. At the time of writing, 15,200 wallets had received the airdrop.

The token, which uses the symbol “$GAS Airdrop | stadlelabs.com,” originates from the smart contract with scripthash 0x42e6b0379e39a428362e08cf9d7e40903cdb0fe7. It claims to be associated with a website at stadlelabs.com, which was recently registered. The legitimate Stadle project operates from stadle.xyz.

Community members and developers have raised concerns that interacting with the contract could compromise user funds. However, users who do not attempt to interact with the tokens should not be at risk. Additionally, ecosystem wallets are expected to hide the suspicious token to prevent users from accidentally engaging with it.

Warnings about the airdrop were issued on the Neo Discord server, through COZ social media accounts, and by other community members. Neo users who received the airdrop are advised not to interact with the token or any related websites.