On April 27th, Ontology released SmartX, a smart contract integrated development environment (IDE). An IDE is a software development tool that usually features a source code editor, build tools and a debugger. IDEs allow developers to increase productivity by providing a single interface for development.
SmartX will allow developers to compile, deploy and invoke smart contracts. Languages currently supported by the platform are NeoVM-based C# and Python, although Ontology have plans to include Java, Rust, Go and JavaScript in the future.
SmartX includes multiple smart contract templates including arithmetic, domain registration, contract lockout and “Hello World” examples. Ontology have stated that in the future, developers will be able to ‘trade’ contracts on the platform for profit. Ontology smart contracts support multiple contract types such as native smart contracts, NeoVM smart contracts and Wasm smart contracts.
Ontology have also stated that in the future SmartX will evolve into a GitHub like platform for distributed code hosting. SmartX will also “implement a set of economic incentives and integrate fair governance policies to reflect the contributions of each participant.”
SmartX is accessible at smartx.ont.io and Ontology is looking for both feedback and participation from developers
More information on Ontology can be found at the below links.
About The Author: Dean Jeffs
Dean is a digital project manager who has worked extensively with start ups and agencies in the marketing space. Fascinated by the potential applications of blockchain technology, Dean has a passion for realising the new smart economy.
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