The Neo community has development groups all over the world laying the foundations for the next-gen internet.


Website | GitHub

Established in 2017, COZ is the oldest Neo development group with members from all across the globe. It was responsible for translating the original Antshares documentation from Chinese and opened Neo's door to many new developers. COZ broke new ground with software such Neon Wallet, NeoScan, neo-python, and neon-js, and hosted some of the earliest Neo dApp competitions.

COZ is especially known for its open rewards model that incentivizes developers to contribute to open source projects by distributing NEO tokens.

Neon Wallet

An open source cross-platform light wallet for the Neo blockchain available on Windows, MacOS, and Linux.


This project aims to be an alternative implementation for the original C# Neo project. It allows users to:Run a Python based P2P node; Compile, test, deploy and run smart contracts written in Python or any smart contract in the .avm format; Run smart contracts on the blockchain in a Python virtual machine; Use aninteractive CLI for configuring node and inspecting blockchain; and much more.


Blockchain explorer for the Neo network.


Allows users to quickly fire up a personal Neo blockchain to run tests, execute commands, and inspect state while controlling how the chain operates. Neo-local sets this up for users without any prior knowledge needed, along with a number of other utility services that help with development. This project works on MacOS, Linux and Windows machines


JavaScript SDK for the Neo blockchain platform. This project aims to be a lightweight library focused on providing blockchain interactions in the browser.


A block explorer for the Neo3 Preview TestNet. It includes functionality such as the ability to view contract manifests, notifications, raw and disassembled scripts, and more.

Website | GitHub

Neo St Petersburg Competence Center

Website | GitHub

Unveiled in late 2018, Neo SPCC is a Russia-based R&D group created to support the Neo platform. It's flagship project is NeoFS, a distributed decentralized object storage solution, a core component in its vision to develop a true decentralized cloud platform.

The team also seeks to act as an incubator for Russian blockchain projects, leading to the formation of collaborative partnerships with multiple St Petersburg universities, innovation centers, and government entities.


NeoFS is a distributed object storage platform created for the Neo blockchain. It can be used for decentralized applications, conventional online data storage, or act as a content delivery network. All payments for data storage are handled using GAS.

GitHub | Website

Neo Lambda

A decentralized, stateless and serverless computing platform integrated with Neo blockchain.


This project aims to be a full port of the original C# Neo project. It consists of a complete toolkit for the Neo blockchain, including: Acting as a consensus node; a CLIto run a node, create, compile, deploy, invoke, and debug Golang smart contracts; Run a virtual machine; and more.

Neo Bench

A benchmarking toolkit for Neo nodes. Neo-bench isdesigned to be agnostic to node implementation and can be used to test performance and help uncover bottlenecks.



Website | GitHub

The China-based Neo development community NEXT was founded in 2017, following the merger of two independent blockchain project development teams. The community was created as a dApp incubator, seeking to pull more developers into the Neo community and spearhead innovation in the blockchain sector.

NEXT also places heavy focus on education, offering Neo-based blockchain development courses, workshops, and tutorials designed to introduce traditional developers and Chinese students to blockchain technology.


Neo blockchain wallet available as a mobile application and Chrome browser extension. NeoLine supports multiple address management and multiple verification methods. The browser extension features dAPI integration for developers and is open source. The mobile version is available on Android and iOS, and is closed source.

GitHub | Website


A blockchain explorer for the Neo network.

GitHub | Website


Endorsit is intended to be a decentralized content ecosystem for all types of user-created content including articles, live videos, and web courses, acting as a permanent record of content operations that can be leveraged in numerous ways. The platform aims to be neutral and community-driven, allowing its users to judge the quality of content and subsequent rewards.


Website | GitHub

AxLabs is a community-developed project that aims to accommodate Java and Android developers looking to build on the Neo blockchain.

Based on the Web3j SDK, the Neow3j library is lightweight and places a high priority on reliability and user-friendly blockchain integration, removing the need for developers to operate their own nodes in order to interact with the Neo network.


Neow3j is a Java library that aims to provide easy and reliable integration with Neo nodes. It supports Neo RPC, asset transfers, smart contract invocations and deployments, NEP-2, NEP-6, building, signing and sending raw transactions, and more.

GitHub | Website


Website | GitHub

Established in Brazil during 2017, NeoResearch is an open-source team with a strong background in academia and a focus on developing cutting-edge technologies for the Neo blockchain. As core developers of Neo, the co-founders of NeoResearch have made wide ranging contributions to the Neo protocol, in particular to its pioneering consensus mechanism, dBFT.

In addition to core protocol contributions, NeoResearch is responsible for a diverse list of contributions to the ecosystem, creating development tools such as NeoCompiler Eco and interactive educational resources such as NVM-Learn.

NeoCompiler Eco

Allows developers to code and compile smart contracts via web interface and deploy them to a TestNet without having to install any other development tools. NeoCompiler Eco currently supports C#, Python, Java, and Golang for compiling, deployment and testing.

GitHub | Website

dBFT Research

NeoResearch conducts ongoing scientific research on the optimization and improvement of Neo's dBFT consensus mechanism. Research resulted in the creation of the dBFT 2.0, creation of mathematical programming models to prove the correctness of dBFT in various consensus states, and more. Work is ongoing on dBFT 3.0.


SMart ACcount COmposer, aimed at easily generating "smart accounts" for holding assets based on different (and combined) features: Public/private key validation; MultiSig; Timelock, and; Asset-specific behavior.

GitHub | Website


This project intends to provide easy interactive learning of NeoVM (Neo Blockchain Virtual Machine). It is based on the "EasyForth!" tutorial by @skilldrick on the language FORTH.

GitHub | Website

Neo Yellow Paper

A technical specification for Neo blockchain. The current version is focussed on a didactic description of Neo and its transformations in the form of a Yellow Paper.


This project is an extension of nvm-learn tutorial (that focused on Neo2), that gives innovative insights on the differences from Neo2 to Neo3 stack machines, and the newest developed opcodes.

GitHub | Website


Website | GitHub

Spanish CyberSecurity firm Red4Sec began its contributions to the Neo ecosystem in 2017, starting with a complete security review of the codebase. Since joining as core developers, its co-founders have become deeply involved in protocol development, implementing new features such as the Neo3 oracle service and testing platform resilience.

The team has also helped publicly represent Neo at blockchain conferences, assisting with onboarding efforts by hosting contract development workshops.

Code Documentation

Red4Sec maintains the developer documentation for the reference C# code for Neo2 and Neo3 in order to make it easier for blockchain developers to understand the Neo core.

Neo2 | Neo3


Neo-Resilience is a platform for testing resistance and network performance for specific Neo builds. Users can test builds from GitHub projects, custom repos, local binaries, specific pull requests, sources or branches, and run tests that simulate different network behaviors.




Red4Sec performs full code and cryptographic implementation audits, research on new theoretical attacks vectors, and recurring infrastructure penetration tests within the Neo ecosystem.

NGD Shanghai

Website | GitHub

Neo Global Development Shanghai is the main execution arm of the Neo Foundation. In addition to marketing and ecosystem growth initiatives, NGD Shanghai has a large development contingent split into four teams: consensus & protocol, research, testing & QA, and full-stack development. 

Among its work, the NGD Shanghai development team provides useful research on emerging blockchain technologies, supports the efforts of the Neo core team, and assists partner projects with Neo integrations.

Core Development

NGD Shanghai supports the Neo core development team in areas such as research, testing, and direct code contributions.


Neo-GUI is a full-node Neo client, which contains all the basic functions of Neo network. This wallet is designed for advanced users, with professional software interaction and extremely high security. A revamped Neo-GUI for Neo3 is under development.

GitHub | Website

Cross Chain Protocol

An interoperable protocol enabling cross-chain functions. Designed to allow existing chains to integrate without the need for customization or modifications.