Neow3j is a Java library that aims to provide easy and reliable integration to NEO nodes/clients, developed by AxLabs founder Dr. Guil. Sperb Machado. Guil spoke with NEO News Today about the project at the recent NEO DevCon 2019 in Seattle.
AxLabs is a Swiss company that works both with start-ups and large corporations, including many in the blockchain space. Among his previous work, Guil has worked with Swisscom Blockchain and the VETRI personal data management platform – both of which have an interest in NeoID technologies.
Java is the primary language used for native Android development. As a contributor to the Ethereum web3j project, Guil’s knowledge of its codebase gave him a solid foundation to bring similar technology to the NEO ecosystem with neow3j.
Neow3j is built to support Android API level 24, which currently covers approximately 49% of active Android devices, equalling roughly one billion. Developers can import neow3j into any Java library, and its current version already allows users to send and sign transactions.
“We wanted to get these guys who already have Android applications out there, and give the possibility to them to use neow3j to interact with the NEO blockchain,” Guil said.
Initially published in December 2018, other supported functionality includes the NEP-2 passphrase-protected private key implementation, NEP-6 wallet SDK implementation, BIP-39 mnemonic recovery, and multi-sig addresses. Approximately 80% of the 2.9.0 NEO client API coverage is complete, and Guil is aiming for neow3j to support full smart contract functionality by the end of Q2 2019.
NEO Global Development is providing support to neow3j as a sponsored project, and AxLabs is looking for active contributors or app developers who may want to integrate the library.
Guil noted he is both “patient” and “passionate” and willing to help developers who choose to use the library.
The neow3j library can be found at neow3j.io.
The full interview with Dr. Guil. Sperb Machado can be seen below.

About The Author: Dean Jeffs
Dean is a digital project manager who has worked extensively with start ups and agencies in the marketing space. Fascinated by the potential applications of blockchain technology, Dean has a passion for realising the new smart economy.
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