A new RPC call is at the center of a recent update to the Neo2 Go node by Neo SPCC, introducing a new way in which the NeoGo node implementation differs from the core C# client.

Alongside other changes that bring the node in line with the latest DeFi-related network updates, version 0.78.0 introduces the new getalltransfertx RPC call. The new call combines the existing getnep5transfers and getutxotransfers calls into a single stream of both NEP-5 and UTXO events.

This feature makes it easy for exchanges or other wallet hosters to quickly generate a current list of transfers related to an account. Currently, services would need to manually combine multiple calls and handle potential outdated information, or rely on a single point of failure (such as the commonly used Neoscan API) to handle UTXO tracking.

The getalltransfertx call also follows getnep5transfers by supporting additional parameters, allowing a timestamp range or event limit to be specified. A final parameter can also be added for pagination purposes, allowing the next batch of events to be requested.

Other changes in the latest NeoGo version include the ability to import/export state root, free GAS limit adjustments, and several other improvements implemented while following the neo-cli implementation.

NeoGo node runners should also be aware that the new version requires new parameters in the config file, which will need to be updated.