The Neo SPCC team has released two new versions of NeoGo, targeting Neo Legacy and N3 respectively. The Legacy update adds support for the GAS generation cutoff block height and customizable system GAS for invocations, whilst the N3 improvements primarily focus on node performance.


NeoGo v0.97.2 is an iterative release, remaining compatible with existing N3 networks whilst adding improvements to existing code. The update includes optimizations to memory and CPU usage across the codebase, and lays the groundwork for the upcoming P2P state exchange extension.

The util convert command has been expanded to detect public keys, converting them to script hash and public address form for developer convenience. The team has also proposed the removal of support for Badger and Redis databases in future releases. Developers that use NeoGo with these tools should voice their perspectives in the relevant thread.

The latest version of NeoGo for N3 can be downloaded at the link below. As the new version includes changes which affected the database format, a resync is required on update.


Neo SPCC continues to maintain support for Neo Legacy in NeoGo and has released its first update for the legacy node since February. The most important change is compatibility with the upcoming GAS generation cut-off date, scheduled to occur at block 8,000,000. Another convenient feature in the new release is support for customizable system GAS on CLI invocations.

The team also took the opportunity to correct a few known bugs in node operations, including node panics on invalid transfer events and block rejection caused by incorrect MPT initialization. NeoGo v0.78.4 doesn’t include any changes to the database format, so a resync is not required on update, however the configuration files will need to be updated with a new NoBonusHeight parameter.

The Legacy version of NeoGo can be downloaded from the following link: