Over the past few weeks, the NEO development community has been working on integrating NEO with the Ledger Nano S, spearheaded by the efforts of Reddit user Coranos2.

Coranos2 began work on the project 18 days ago and has been documenting his progress on the NEO subreddit. Today, Coranos2 announced that he was able to successfully sign a transaction on the blockchain via Ledger, meaning the technical integration is now complete.

The next steps in the project include further work on the the BIP 39 and BIP 32 code for recovery, extensive testing, Ledger app UI design and approvals from NEO and Ledger. City of Zion are supporting Coranos2 on Neon wallet integration.

NEO support for the Ledger Nano S has been one of the most popular requests from the NEO community. Whilst we are still at least a few weeks away from project completion, today’s milestone marks a huge step forward.

You can read Coranos2’s latest Reddit post below, where you can also find a donation address for his efforts – https://www.reddit.com/r/NEO/comments/6zs0sv/neo_ledger_nano_s_integration_successful/

Ledger Nano S - NEO Ledger Nano S - NEO Ledger Nano S - NEO

Ledger Nano S - NEO