APEX Network released an article highlighting statistics surrounding its nodes, token distribution through various tiers, and community activity. APEX is seeking to “power the next generation of consumer applications” while simultaneously granting customers privacy and control over their data.
APEX Network states it has obtained accurate user data, where the project had previously been unable to index the chain due to “unreliable block explorers.” To resolve the situation, community TestNet pioneer, Aldo Raine, developed “a script that crawled through the OTCGO block explorer to collect all wallets holding a minimum of 20k CPX.”
Using this script, APEX Network was able to obtain a dataset to use in a comparison of network statistics from October of 2018 and January of 2019.
Node Ecosystem Overview
In June of 2018, APEX Network expounded upon its node ecosystem, comprised of supernodes, voternodes, and data cloud nodes. Supernodes and voternodes participate in network consensus, where as data cloud nodes provide distributed and encrypted storage of consumer data.
Voternodes provide the ability for node participants, comprised of community members, to vote on the network and provide a check-and-balance for supernodes. Voternodes will be tiered, differentiated by the amount of CPX tokens staked. Different weights will determine the amount of profit distribution [weight x CPX tokens].
Weighting is tiered as follows:
- Tier Genesis: 400,000 CPX tokens or more [Weight: 40]
- Tier 1: 200,000 CPS tokens or more [Weight: 30]
- Tier 2: 70,000 CPX tokens or more [Weight: 20]
- Tier 3: no minimum requirement [Weight: 10]
Supernodes are in charge of the processing and validation of transactions on the network, and resolving consensus-related issues in a democratic manner. They’re elected by stakeholders (voters), and are responsible for block production, validating transactions, and resolving consensus-related issues.
To operate a supernode, applicants will need to hold a minimum of 2,000,000 CPX tokens, submit an application, and pass a committee-based review before they can proceed to the community voting stage.
Lastly, data cloud nodes are designed to store and manage consumer data across a distributed off-chain network. A minimum staking of 20,000 CPX tokens will be required to operate a data cloud node. Data cloud nodes will also require a minimum storage capacity and network bandwidth.
Participants will have the flexibility to operate nodes based on the two following use cases: First, community nodes will be operated by community members at a minimal cost. Second, enterprise nodes, which will have stricter requirements on performance and data management rights.
APEX trends from past three months
As an overall trend, there has been an increase in Tier Genesis wallets by 27, with a total of 229 Tier Genesis nodes at the time of this writing. The Supernode, Tier 1, and Tier 2 levels all remained relatively flat in qualified applicants.
With regards to token distribution in January of 2019, APEX has released the following information:
- Main Team Wallet: 225,637,403 CPX tokens (33.3% of total supply)
- Supernode: 126,683,672 CPX tokens (18.7% of total supply)
- Tier Genesis: 138,032,495 CPX tokens (20.4% of total supply)
- Tier 1: 45,400,849 CPX tokens (6.7% of total supply)
- Tier 2: 50,865,456 CPX tokens (7.5% of total supply)
- Tier 3: 90,369,115 CPX tokens (13.3% of total supply)
- Data Cloud Node (DCN): 37,839,270 CPX tokens (5.6% of total supply)
- Non-DCN: 52,529,845 CPX tokens (7.7% of total supply)
Overall, APEX believes “there is a healthy distribution of tokens among tiers, with the lion’s share of the total supply held by wallets that qualify for at least a Data Cloud Node.”
Lastly, “according to ICO Drops which tracks Telegram stats for blockchain projects that have ended their ICOs,” the APEX Network Telegram channel ranked #14 in daily user activity.
The full article can be found at the link below:
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
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