Compendia, an evolution of the nOS project, has announced the launch of its MainNet and is conducting a token swap from NEP-5 NOS to its native BIND. The token swap is taking place three weeks after its official announcement that nOS was rebranding to Compendia and placing increased emphases on decentralized databases.
Compendia founder, Dean van Dugteren, has released a step-by-step guide and a tutorial video to help users conduct the token swap, which can be found here.
Users who conduct the token swap before Sunday, September 6th, 2020, will receive a 10% bonus of BIND tokens. However, the additional BIND will automatically be staked for one year.
As Compendia is a delegated proof of stake (dPoS) network, users who stake their tokens will be granted the ability to vote on matters that pertain to the network and Compendia ecosystem. The longer a user stakes their tokens, the more voting power their stake will hold. More information about voting power on Compendia can be found here.
Users who have questions about performing the token swap are urged to visit the official Compendia Telegram channel to request support.
About Compendia
Compendia is a rebrand from nOS, a virtual operating system that sought to ease the deployment, discovery, and use of dApps. Previously, nOS’s primary focus was to serve as a full-stack solution to facilitate the deployment of websites and applications in a decentralized and open-source environment.
In its transformed purpose, Compendia additionally seeks to become a decentralized directory that allows any user to share data collections of all kinds. In its rebranding announcement, Compendia noted, “If it works with a database, then it [can] use our network. The network [will] become The Wikipedia of Databases for APIs and Smart Contracts.”
Moving forward, Compendia compares itself to an oracle network. However, it aims to not only aggregate “small pieces of data,” such as the price of a cryptocurrency, but seeks to aggregate “full collections of data.” These could include data sets such as blockchain-based applications sorted by popularity, or the top cryptocurrencies sorted by non-custodial exchange volume.
The full article can be found at the link below:
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
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