Jarvis+ has published its eighth weekly report that covers everything the team has been working on between September 9th to 16th. Jarvis+ is in the process of creating a cloud-based artificial intelligence which will function as a bot service, translation engine, and a smart contract creation tool.

Jarvis+ deployed four knowledge quiz games during the reporting period using the platform’s AI-based “conversation as service” engine in the company’s Telegram channel. Additionally, its user centre bot that supports address binding and KYC registration was made live.

Jarvis+ Mascot Design Contest

The team also announced its mascot design contest. Contestants can submit designs to be used as Jarvis+’s official mascot with prizes awarded in JAR as below:

  • Grand Prize: 50,000 JAR
  • Merit Prize: 10,000 JAR
  • Special Prize: 59 JAR

The grand prize will be awarded to the overall winner of the competition, while the merit prize will be awarded to entries that make the semi-finals but fail to be selected as the winner. The special prize is an incentive for participation and will be awarded to users who cast two votes.

Submissions for the mascot design contest are now open and will close on the 16th of October. To enter the competition, participants should email their submissions to anran@x-contact.org.

Research and Development

Jarvis+ also announced tweaks to its Telegram bot and user interface design. The news broadcast and message bot is under construction and will soon allow users to access news broadcasts from within the Telegram chat. The user interface of its backstage management was also completed and it will be live soon.

Lastly, the group quiz game can now be accessed by Telegram users – provided that enough other players also want to play.

The full report can be found at the following link:

More information on Jarvis+ can be found at the links below.