On June 18th, NEO Colorado co-hosted a smart contract workshop in collaboration with NEO•ONE. NEO•ONE developer, Alex Fragapane, taught the hands-on workshop which explored the end-to-end developer environment. Individuals who completed a pre-workshop assignment and/or participated in the workshop received GAS tokens as a reward.

The workshop took place at the Galvanize campus in Boulder, Colorado. Galvanize is a tech campus that offers web development and coding courses, as well as co-working facilities. In addition to providing space, Galvanize also sponsored food and drinks for the evening.

Before the event, participants were offered three topics to choose from: token front-end development, non-fungible token development, or building an escrow contract. The majority of the participants opted to learn about escrow contracts.

Before beginning with the lesson plan, Fragapane briefly described NEO•ONE and his role as a developer with the NEO ecosystem development group. He then went on to highlight why the team opted to build its environment using TypeScript, noting that it allows the developer to create smart contracts with the ability to add unique commands for utilizing contract functions.

The lesson plan for escrow contracts included creating a new smart contract to interface with an already existing token smart contract, and how demonstrating how smart contracts interact with one another on the blockchain. Fragapane described the process of how the escrow contract holds balances that can be claimed by two parties. He went on to explain how to code a send, claim, and refund function into the escrow smart contract.

Alex Fragapane of NEO•ONE discusses smart contract development.

Alex Fragapane of NEO•ONE discusses smart contract development.

Following the workshop. Attendees participated in a question-and-answer session, which primarily focussed on developing within the broader NEO ecosystem, NEO•ONE as a developer group, and Fragapane’s prior professional experience.

Lastly, participants who cloned the NEO•ONE repo, built it, and successfully ran tests, were rewarded 1 GAS token for completing the assignment. Additionally, individuals who attended the workshop received 1 GAS at the end of the event.

The next NEO Colorado is tentatively scheduled to take place in July.

To keep up to date with NEO Colorado events, visit the following link: https://www.meetup.com/NEO-Colorado