NEXT, a China-based Neo developer community, is calling for translators following an update to the NeoTube blockchain explorer. The translation campaign is a one-time event and is currently underway to add multi-lingual support to the NeoTube.
NEXT currently offers support for NeoTube in English and Chinese, but is seeking contributors from the community that natively speak and can provide translations in Spanish, Russian, German, Italian, French, Japanese, or Korean.
In a conversation with Neo News Today, NEXT co-founder and developer, Hactrox, iterated the present call for translators is for a single campaign. However, should more features roll out on the platform, NEXT may contact the contributors for future translation needs.
Those selected to perform translation tasks will be eligible to share from a reward pool of 50 NEO to compensate for their efforts upon completion.
To apply, participants must submit an application and provide their name, email address, occupation, the language of proficiency, and Telegram handle.
NeoTube updates
NeoTube has added several modules to the blockchain explorer, as well as updated its logo. The development team integrated a new transaction monitoring tool that reports the amount of transactions made daily, which can be seen on the landing page.
Further, NeoTube has added a new section entitled Discover the Ecosystem, which connects users with NEXT partners such as O3 Labs, Switcheo, Neo News Today, and Nash.
Lastly, NeoTube now has a new Contact Us module that offers a more natural way for users to provide feedback about the explorer, offer donations, or blockchain projects and businesses to connect with NeoTube for business opportunities.
The full NeoTube update announcement can be found at the link below:
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
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