Neo Global Development has announced the first session of a new live discussion series called DevLog. The first guest is Harry Pierson, NGD Enterprise chief architect, who will discuss the NeoTrace tool. The hour-long session begins at 3:00 p.m. (UTC) on Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2021, on the official Neo Discord server and will be hosted by Neo community developer Robert Oschler.

Pierson is responsible for maintaining the Neo Blockchain Toolkit for VS Code. Beyond the day-to-day with NGD Enterprise, he champions the importance of providing a best-in-class developer experience. NeoTrace makes it possible to capture individual transactions or blocks from the Neo N3 MainNet or TestNet and store traces of the executions for debugging.

DevLog is an NGD initiative to connect the broader blockchain developer community with subject matter experts in the Neo ecosystem. The series aims to offer development updates on tooling and infrastructure, and incentivize the Neo community through competitions and rewards.

The full announcement can be found at the link below: