YouTube personality Alex Saunders, whose “Nugget’s News” cryptocurrency channel is focused on Bitcoin and cryptocurrency education, recently published an interview with John deVadoss, head of operations at NEO Global Development Seattle, titled “An Honest Conversation With John deVadoss.”

deVadoss has more than 15 years of experience working at Microsoft, where he served as an architect and manager of Microsoft’s .NET team, and also oversaw the birth and growth of the Microsoft Digital business as its general manager.

The following outlines various quotes offered by deVadoss on selected topics during the interview.


“For the very first time in history, we have a platform that has an economic model baked in…And that was just a complete eye-opener. I said, ‘Look. I have to work on blockchain platforms.’ This is it.”

Competition and Price

“I think the future is one that’s multi-chain. And also, anyone that’s calling winners and losers at this point, this game is so early…this is just the beginning…it’s too soon to call winners and losers.

“We have a singular focus on building a platform. So for us, the coin upswings and downswings are only short-term things. Our goal is, we want to digitize real-world assets.”

“The short term swings for me are mostly noise.”

NEO 3.0

“We are particularly enthused by the focus on the core architecture: the VM enhancements, the performance…NeoFS, NeoID, as well as the developer tooling.

Of course, we’re also making some GAS and pricing model changes. So, we are very enthused…you will see the [NEO3] TestNet coming out very shortly, then multiple alpha and beta releases, and eventually launch sometime early next year.”

“It is a multi-chain world. We are also working on cross-chain [interoperability] and protocols. We want to be out there at the forefront, to be able to innovate and enable multi-chains.”


“If you look at consensus, which is the idea of ‘how do nodes come to agreement?’ there are probably two high-level approaches. One is the so-called Nakamoto consensus, which is probabilistic. It could work with cryptocurrencies…for NEO, if your focus is on building and digitizing real-world assets, you cannot live with probabilistic finality. Either it’s in or it’s out…we have to commit to true single-block finality.”


“Gaming has always been big for us at NEO, and for good reason. Obviously we have a very good platform for assets, and gaming is about assets, fungible and non-fungible.”

“Furthermore…in the gaming world…we can try and innovate and push the envelope.”

“What we see first in gaming eventually we’ll translate into the real world.”


“There are three things that developers look for. One is the platform. A core, stable, architecturally sound platform. Second is developer tooling to build applications. And third is money. Money to start up and innovate out there.”

“NEO3 in the architecture, the NEO Blockchain Toolkit in terms of tooling, and then EcoBoost.”

“Fundamentally as a developer-friendly platform, it behooves us to…find ways to help developers build.”

“Crypto will go mainstream. Blockchain is going mainstream. And for us to fulfill that, we have to help the mainstream developer.”

“Anybody ought to be able to build a website. And the same way, anybody ought to be able to build a dApp and a smart contract.”


“If you look at the core developers of NEO, I think only two live in Shanghai and speak Chinese. The rest of them live in Latin America, in the US, Europe, Russia, and so on. So we are a global project.”

Dual-Token Model

“In our case, we have two distinct abstractions, and two different tokens. At first glance, it might seem simple to have one token. However, in my opinion, the fact that there are two distinct abstractions makes it easier for developers to think about how they pay for the app usage, and then the crypto token itself, which is different.

So, the token serves a purpose, and GAS serves a purpose.”

“As a developer: worry about GAS. Don’t worry about NEO. As a crypto speculator or trader: worry about NEO. Don’t worry about GAS. Which I think is a cleaner and maybe a simpler model in the long run.”

John deVadoss is head of the NGD Seattle development group.

The full video can be found at this link.