Stephen Hyduchak, founder and CEO of ProjectICO announced an reddit AMA session on the NEO subreddit, giving a short introduction to ProjectICO and invited the community to join the AMA session on November 20th at 23:00 Beijing time (15:00 UTC). ProjectICO is a turn-key ICO solution for projects that are seeking to do a token sale (ICO), based in Raleigh, NC.

ProjectICO provides expertise in legal domains through partnered law firms and the use of regulated token sales frameworks such as SAFTS. In addition, ProjectICO provides marketing services for the projects, and technological solutions through an in-house engineering team.

Although ProjectICO engineers are currently developing on the Ethereum platform and coding in Solidity, Project ICO will be shifting to develop on the NEO platform for projects moving forward. ProjectICO boasts an existing client base of project such as Loci ( and Knowledge (

Stephen Hyduchak graduated from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, with a B.S in Finance and Legal Studies. Prior to founding ProjectICO, Stephen was a financial analyst at Northwestern Mutual and a vendor analyst at PRA health services. He is currently an advisor to Universal Health Coin (

Questions for the AMA can be submitted at the following link –