Decentralized telephony
KRYPTON is like a decentralized version of Skype on the blockchain. Consumers can use any compatible telephony provider at any time, without having to subscribe or trust the provider.

Smart contract demonstration
KRYPTON is a Smart Contract and ecosystem to provide SIP registration on the NEO blockchain using a KRYPTON compatible SIP provider. Watch a demonstration of the KRYPTON smart contract in action.
SIP providers can deploy their services on the blockchain. They register a SIP proxy on the platform and users can start using their services. Our website will come in handy to give providers a place to advertise their services. We are still considering some options on how this should work eventually.
A user can register on a provider. This is the most interesting part. The provider does not need to know the user. The username is always the public NEO address. The password is safely generated by the user and unique for each combination of user and provider. To authenticate the user, the provider will send a UUID which the user will store on the blockchain. This UUID will be verified by the provider. A safe and trustless way to authenticate anonymous users.
Users can query each others registered location to start communicating with each other. The smart contract is used only to query the location. All the communication between users is off the blockchain. So in the future we can add many more features without having to update the smart contract.
Our yet to be finished webservice will provide an friendly user experience for the users. We want to use NEP2 to encrypt the wallet and store it in the internal storage of the browser. After logging in the user has a basic wallet with some smart features, like directly calling or chatting with other NEO addresses. For these features we are using WebRTC technology. Our goal is to have all basic features complete free of charge, but give providers a way to charge for additional features like making regular phone calls. All charges should be transparent for the user and instant payments should be guaranteed to the provider.
Developer Q&A
So, let's start off. Can I get a quick description of what your dApp is?
KRYPTON is basically a decentralized version of Skype on the blockchain. I wanted to use my years of experience in the telecom industry to create a dApp where the consumer can use any compatible telephony provider at any time, without having to subscribe or trust the provider. Not tied to years of contracts, but just use the dApp on any compatible provider to make (long distance) phone calls and chat with other users. Authentication and payments should be done near real-time in the NEO blockchain. KRYPTON will eventually be a hybrid softphone and NEO wallet with some extra fancy features.
Can you outline the basic functionality of KRYPTON?
KRYPTON provides a communication network between multiple users and providers, where the providers can also service as a gateway to the global telephony network. Making phone calls and sending messages, based on a trustless authentication and location layer in the blockchain.
Who will use KRYPTON and how will they benefit?
Anyone who wishes to communicate using their NEO public address. If you have NEO in your wallet and you claim some NeoGas from time to time, then you can use this NeoGas to make free international phone calls.
What are your plans for ongoing development?
The first stage of development was to create a proof of concept with the smart contract on the NEO blockchain and some further elements. This step has now completed. We want to continue development now by making this prototype into a production ready platform which is fast and user friendly. This will take quite some time, but we will get there.
What language did you use for development?
The smart contract was made in Python. This was the most logical choice for Linux users. Querying and invoking the contract can be done with the JSON RPC on the blockchain nodes. We are using JavaScript to do this in our NodeJS API service. The web service will be using JavaScript as well.
What SDKs, APIs or frameworks did you use to develop KRYPTON?
My favourite editor is Atom. Here I created the smart contract from scratch in Python. So to compile the code I obviously used the neo-boa compiler, then deployed and tested the contract with the neo-python package. The JavaScript is mostly using the NEON-JS library, along with many other open-source initiatives such as Restify and the excellent SipJS library.
How would you describe your experience developing on the NEO platform?
Documentation was still quite thin. There were not so many existing projects to take a peek at. So developing was basically reading a lot of source code, asking a lot of questions and doing a lot of trial and error. Even though I would describe it as fairly easy. The amount of tools and libraries is already huge. Just the fact that I can choose between multiple open languages is already huge. All together it was fun to work on the project.
Also... why KRYPTON? Similar to Neon, a noble gas?
I'm naming all my servers as chemical elements. I actually already had a server with the name _krypton_ up and running as a NEO node, even before the NEON wallet was launched. Now that we have the NEON wallet I just had to use KRYPTON as the name for the application.
“While many people still find it difficult to understand the potential of blockchain technology, the KRYPTON concept brings a beautiful example of how dApps can integrate into our lives and solve daily problems. Its idea of a marketplace, where people can choose and interact anytime with their service providers, aims to bring balance and fair competition to telecommunication services by giving users full control and a trustless environment. I'm looking forward to seeing this project in action and to be able to use it.”
City of Zion Council

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