CoZ dApp Comp #1
1st place

NEO Smart IoT

GAS powered devices

NEO Smart IoT is a method of accepting a payment in GAS to perform actions in the real world. A smart contract keeps track of the payments and parameters, and a neo-python node coupled with a pubsub service acts as a bridge for IoT devices to receive commands.


hal0x2328, phetter

View MVP



Decentralized Payments

No third-party payment service is required to accept fees to operate a device under control of the smart contract


Standard IoT Protocol

MQTT is the underlying network protocol, supported by popular open-source IoT platforms such as Arduino and NodeMCU (ESP8266)

Streamlined Interaction

Commands are sent using the NeoLink Chrome extension wallet for ease of contract invocation/payment

Developer Q&A

Can you outline the basic functionality of Neo Smart IoT?

NEO Smart IoT can control any Internet-connected device that can make use of the MQTT pubsub protocol. Controls can be a simple on/off toggle, a hex/integer value (e.g. an RGB color value), or even custom text/byte arrays. The smart contract can optionally enforce a payment of a fee to change the setting, and the price is adjustable at any time by the contract owner.

Who will use Neo Smart IoT and how will they benefit?

Anyone who might want to charge a fee for some real world action on a device they own, e.g. playing a song on a jukebox, dispensing an item from a vending machine, putting credits into an arcade game, unlocking the door to a temporary rental, putting an advertisement on a billboard, etc.

What are your plans for ongoing development?

Currently we are primarily focused on the development of the HashPuppies blockchain game. However, if someone were to approach us wanting to use NEO Smart IoT for a commercial application, we’d certainly be open to providing consultation/support on a contract basis. We are actively working on the NeoLink Chrome extension wallet that we developed to enable NEO Smart IoT, however, as it will be a vital part of HashPuppies and other future dApps.

What language did you use for development?

Python for the smart contract and middleware service, NodeJS/JavaScript for the web frontend.

What SDKs, APIs or frameworks did you use to develop Neo Smart IoT?

neo-python and Sails.

How would you describe your experience developing on the NEO platform?

It has been challenging at times given that the documentation for some features is somewhat lacking, but the developer experience is improving every day as more and more talented developers are learning about the NEO Smart Economy and writing code and documentation for the platform.

About how long did you spend on this project?

Somewhere around 60 hours in two months between both of us.

“The NEO Smart IoT project was a pretty creative use for the NEO platform. So far, we have not seen many examples of blockchain technology being interfaced with hardware so I really enjoyed the concept and believe there are many practical applications. One simple example would be its integration into vending machines for payment. Recently, at the NEO Cambridge meetup, we were able to see the project in action at localhuman's expense. The Splyse team created a CityOfZion pendant for him that would change color when gas was sent to it. In the future, I look forward to seeing more applications that use this technology.”

City of Zion Council
city of zion

dApp comp #2

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