New Economy Labs, the Chinese based NEO development community has released its March report. The monthly reports are a wrap up of all the progress made in the previous month.

During March, NEL continued to improve their block explorer. Some of the improvements made included the ability to switch between MainNet and TestNet, the addition of a NEP-5 asset list and an updated design. The web based wallet also received cosmetic updates, along with the ability to test NNS domain name registration on TestNet.

A full featured WeChat NEO wallet applet (lightweight application that runs within the WeChat environment) was also launched and has already gone through several versions. NEL is currently researching existing mobile wallets to improve the applet’s overall user experience.

Much progress was made on the NEODUN project, with a small batch of 100 parts sent to the assembly plant. NEL expect to have the finished product by April.

NEL also rewrote much of NEODUN’s encryption logic to make the device even more difficult to crack, and changed the method of password verification to be performed on the device rather than the user’s computer, in case the computer is ever compromised.

Further work on NEODUN included the design of the official NEODUN website and driver software, as well as completing the first stages of integration with the NeoLink plugin.

Other technology maintenance included work on the neo-thinksdk, NEO core code, API’s and NEO-CLI.

To round off the report, NEL details a number of community events they participated in, including NEO meetups in Taipei and Shenzhen, and the CCFTF05 Blockchain Technology and Engineering Practice Workshop held in Beijing.

NEL also notes the launch of the NEO Name Service website, offer of free technical advisory services for new NEO projects, and the incubation of a NEO based gaming community platform, all of which were also announced in March.

To read the full report, you can visit –