General Updates

Neo‘s ecosystem had a footprint at Consensus Hong Kong, which included COZ, DeXFun, Flamingo Finance, NNT, Goodr, AxLabs, and Intersect Finance. Additionally, Neo shared a series of on-the-ground mini-interviews with GrantShares, DeXFun, Intersect Finance, and Goodr.

NNT conducted several on-the-ground interviews with projects at Consensus HK, including Intersect Finance, DeXFun, Flamingo Finance, Goodr, GrantShares, AxLabs, and COZ.

COZ launched new versions of Neon Wallet for desktop and mobile, introducing a range of new features and improvements. The desktop wallet has been updated to v3.5.0, while the mobile version is now at v1.6.0. The update includes a fiat on-ramp supporting the U.S. market, allowing users to purchase tokens from the Neo ecosystem through a combination of the wallet’s ramp and swap features.

Chain Broker reported that the Neo ecosystem witnessed a 458% increase in development activity in the previous 30-day timeframe from Jan. 14 – Feb. 14.

Cassette launched the first Cassette-hosted website on the NeoFS distributed storage network. The website is a simple landing page that contains traditional HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files that are hosted in a container on Cassette.

Frank Coin hosted a GasBot trivia contest on the NeoF1 Discord server and distributed 3 GAS in rewards to participants.

Neo Red Pill conducted the first Discord airdrop for the Neo N3 memecoin project. To qualify, participants were asked to visit the #neo-red-pill channel of the Neo F1 Discord server, and share their Neo N3 wallet address and Telegram handle to receive 5 NRP NEP-17 tokens.


Feb. 25: Meme2Earn hosting Community Fireplace on the official Discord server.
Feb. 28: NNT editors hosting CC & BB #51 on The Smart Economy Podcast official X account.
March 6: Flamingo Finance Community Lagoon on the official Discord server.