General Updates

Neo Council approved a reduction in network and system fees on the Neo N3 MainNet. The adjustment was aimed at making the blockchain more cost-effective and efficient, responding to feedback from ecosystem projects. With these changes, a simple GAS transaction that previously cost 0.01121327 GAS in fees will now cost just 0.00253749 GAS, making such transactions nearly five times cheaper.

Neo partnered with OORT to join HumanAIx, a decentralized AI open protocol alliance. HumanAIx is focused on developing decentralized AI infrastructure, connecting partners that contribute validation, storage, compute, and data to create a permissionless, scalable, and verifiable AI ecosystem. Neo’s primary role will focus on data provision within the protocol layers.

COZ CEO Tyler Adams and NNT editor Dylan Grabowski participated in a panel at ETH Denver entitled Stand With Crypto: The Largest Pro-Crypto Movement in the World.

Flamingo Finance released OrderBook+ RC 22, which the team says is ready to be tested for launch on Neo N3 MainNet.

Echooo Wallet launched a Neo-based competition, which will reward users with Echooo points that can be used for future airdrop redemptions. Additionally, a pool of US $2,000 in GAS has been set aside for 40 lucky winners to split evenly. The competition is currently live and runs through March 13. Echooo is a Wallet-as-a-Service company developing a “seed phrase-fee” self-custody wallet solution by leveraging smart contracts and social recovery capabilities.

Goodr released an article about the shift in the memecoin culture, from pure speculation toward potential social good. The article notes how Goodr is integrating donation functionality and vesting periods to mitigate speculative token crashes and innovate on the memecoin model. This approach acknowledges the reality of speculation while aiming to redirect some of its energy toward social impact.

Enclave launched an X/Twitter account for the account abstraction wallet, which aims to offer clear transaction intent parsing, hardware-bound security, user-friendly abstractions, multi-factor, and multi-sig options, where users’ private keys can’t be stolen.

Frank Coin hosted a GasBot trivia contest on the NeoF1 Discord server and distributed 3 GAS in rewards to participants.

Neo Dashboard bridged the NDMEME token from Neo X to Neo N3 following a request from a community vote, allowing the token to exist on both of Neo’s networks. Additionally, Neo Dashboard put forth a proposal on GrantShares requesting 1,000 GAS to purchase NDMEME and airdrop NDMEME tokens to Neoverse NFT holders.

Developer Updates

Neo SPCC released NeoFS node v.0.45, which broadened node number limits, updated the search API, and improved the distributed settings management commands.

Neo SPCC released NeoFS Locode DB v0.8, which included a series of minor updates.

AxLabs was featured in a Rootstock article about FellowFund, a project the development team built during ETH Global Hackathon 2024 in Bangkok. FellowFund was intended to rethink how grants are allocated, using prediction markets to create a more transparent and efficient funding system.

NNT Catch Up

NNT released Episode 84 of The Smart Economy Podcast featuring Joe Doll, general counsel at Magic Eden, a cross-chain NFT marketplace. Topics of discussion include the transformative impact of the new administration’s pro-crypto executive order, how stablecoins could cement U.S. dollar dominance, Magic Eden’s journey to becoming the #1 NFT marketplace by users and revenue, the evolution of NFT projects from 2021 to present, the real story behind Operation Chokepoint 2.0, the importance of upcoming stablecoin legislation, building regulatory-compliant infrastructure in crypto, how culture shapes successful Web3 companies, and much more.

NNT editors co-hosted Crypto Coffee and Blockchain Beer Spaces #51 on the official The Smart Economy Podcast X account. Topics of discussion included Neo’s presence at Consensus Hong Kong, GrantShares integrating support for Neo X, the technical meeting of Neo’s developer community and NGD/NF, AI as an emerging vertical in Web2 and Web3, on-the-ground vibes for ETHDenver 2025, the Stand With Crypto panel that NNT and COZ joined at ETH Denver, the SEC dropping cases against crypto projects, and more.


March 6: Flamingo Finance Community Lagoon on the official Discord server.
March 7: NNT editors hosting CC & BB #52 on The Smart Economy Podcast official X account.