General Updates
Neo concluded its Lunar New Year lucky draw, choosing two winners to each receive a Neo-branded hardware wallet, a Gassy mascot toy, and a magic fortune altar.
Flamingo Finance identified and replicated the bug found in the codebase for its OrderBook+ during the recent TestNet trading campaign. Flamingo leadership has continuously updated the release candidates throughout the week but will delay the launch of the OrderBook+ on MainNet until it is satisfied the code is secure. In the official Flamingo Finance Discord server, the team said, “Security is our top concern; we won’t compromise it to meet a deadline.” Currently, there is no firm timeline for the MainNet launch.
Flamingo Finance Head of Content and Marketing Bordois hosted an impromptu Community Lagoon to walk participants through the latest release of OrderBook+ v2.
Revoke.cash integrated Neo X, allowing users to manage their token approvals through the open-source tool designed to enhance security and control over EVM-based assets. By reviewing and revoking approvals, users can mitigate risks associated with unauthorized transactions. Including Neo X, Revoke.cash supports over 100 blockchain networks, which users can access via a dropdown menu on the platform.
Cassette announced February as “Decentralized Website Month,” where the team will be delving into the details of hosting websites using containers and looking at the potential of the technology.
Nextmate.AI concluded the Neo Blockchain Prediction Event, which yielded approximately US $120,244 in GAS and an equivalent of $83,702 in GAS of purchase volume.
GrantShares members COZ endorsed the Neo Dashboard of Alphaday proposal, which was put on-chain for a vote and currently has two votes (out of eight) in favor.
nDapp added Nextmate.AI and Revoke.Cash to Neo’s app and dApp discovery platform.
Frank Coin hosted a GasBot trivia contest on the NeoF1 Discord server and distributed 3 GAS in participant rewards.
Developer Updates
AxLabs launched the beta for GitMyABI, a new service aimed at improving smart contract development workflows. The tool benefits teams building on EVM-compatible blockchains like Neo X by integrating with Git repositories and automating ABI file management.
AxLabs fixed a bug in the GrantShares platform that prevented some users from putting proposals on-chain.
NNT Catch Up
NNT editors co-hosted Crypto Coffee and Blockchain Beer Spaces #49 on the official The Smart Economy Podcast X account. Topics of discussion included ZK tooling in the Neo ecosystem, GAS migrated from Neo N3 to X, Cassette’s Decentralized Website Month, blockchain’s trend of quiet quitting in 2024, crypto’s largest liquidation event on Sunday, the pro-crypto outlook in the US, and more.
Feb. 14: NNT editors hosting CC & BB #50 on The Smart Economy Podcast official X account.
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
More posts by Dylan Grabowski