Neo Colorado recently conducted a workshop with the re-energized CU Blockchain Club at the University of Colorado – Boulder. At the event, students were onboarded into the Neo ecosystem by creating a wallet, receiving NEO and GAS, claiming a NeoNS domain name, minting a NEP-17 token, and creating a liquidity pool on Forthewin Network.
The CU Blockchain club was founded in 2017 but witnessed a brief hiatus in activity after leadership graduated in 2020 and the pandemic took a toll on in-person events in Spring of 2020. The newly revamped club is spearheaded by Leo Nguyen, who assumed leadership in Aug. 2021. Nguyen is a senior studying Integrated Design Engineering with a concentration in Computer Science and a minor in Engineering Management and Entrepreneurship. The other leaders of the CU Blockchain Club in 2022 include Scott Hardman and Jameson Bessette.
As part of the workshop, Neo News Today editor Dylan Grabowski delivered a presentation on the lessons learned from visiting blockchain clubs at eight universities on the Decoding Web3 US Campus tour. The presentation also included a brief overview of the history of the Neo blockchain, and features (i.e., native oracle network, NeoFS, NeoNS) that are unique to N3.
After the presentation, attendees downloaded Neon, NeoLine, and OneGate wallets to receive seed NEO and GAS, which NNT sponsored. After claiming NeoNS domain names, the students minted a test NEP-17 token, Buff One Coin, via Forthewin Network Smith, and then created a NEP-BOC LP on the platform.
Looking forward, the CU Blockchain Club is exploring the development of two student projects: launching a club token and building a ticketing platform.
CU Blockchain Club members areĀ exploring the development of a token to serve as a proof-of-attendance for events. It is designed to award those who actively participate by attending club meetings, hackathons, and non-club blockchain events. Ultimately, the CU Blockchain Club aims to create a DAO that will use these tokens to vote on club proposals.
Additionally, the CU Blockchain Club is developing a ticketing platform that grants attendees access to sporting events. The platform will leverage blockchain and NFTs for ticketing processes to ensure that individuals meet the terms and conditions to attend games.
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
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