On June 22, 2018, APEX Network released details of its node ecosystem, comprised of supernodes, voternodes, and data cloud nodes.  The APEX blockchain infrastructure aims to provide consumer internet and business-to-customer (B2C) interactions with privacy and ownership of data, interactivity of consumer experiences, and a connectivity of value.

The APEX network seeks to facilitate consumer-focused enterprise decentralized applications (dApps). The network utilizes two consensus mechanisms: delegated proof of stake (DPoS) for the main network, and proof of stake (PoS) for its sidechains. The node ecosystem aims to facilitate functionality, governance, and infrastructural support for the APEX Network.

APEX Network will include services such as a fiat-staking solution for sidechain deployment; sidechain management, so enterprise clients may focus on application development; and, strategic design, development, and deployment of dApps on the blockchain.

The APEX Network will be comprised of three types of nodes: supernodes, voternodes, and data cloud nodes. Supernodes and voternodes will participate in network consensus, where as data cloud nodes provide distributed and encrypted storage of consumer data.


Voternodes will provide the ability for node participants, comprised of community members, to vote on the network and provide a check-and-balance for supernodes. Voternodes will be tiered, differentiated by the amount of CPX tokens staked. Different weights will determine the amount of profit distribution [weight x CPX tokens].

Weighting will be tiered as follows:

  • Tier Genesis: 400,000 CPX tokens or more [Weight: 40]
  • Tier 1: 200,000 CPS tokens or more [Weight: 30]
  • Tier 2: 70,000 CPX tokens or more [Weight: 20]
  • Tier 3: no minimum requirement [Weight: 10]

Other than the desktop CPX Wallet, voternodes will not require any specific hardware or software to operate. The CPX Wallet will be released near the TestNet launch.


Supernodes will be in charge of the processing and validation of transactions on the network, and resolving consensus-related issues in a democratic manner. They’re elected by stakeholders (voters), and are responsible for block production, validating transactions, and resolving consensus-related issues. Eventually, supernodes will have the ability to create sidechains for independent dApp needs.

Initially, the majority of supernodes will be managed by APEX Core Development, who will fine tune, stabilize, and scale the blockchain. Eventually, supernodes will be maintained by the following various types of partners:

  • Enterprise users/partners
  • System integration partners
  • Community contributors
  • Strategic partners

To operate a supernode, applicants will need to hold a minimum of 2,000,000 CPX tokens, submit an application, and pass a committee-based review before they can proceed to the community voting stage.

Data cloud nodes

Data cloud nodes are designed to store and manage consumer data across a distributed off-chain network. Other than the desktop version of the CPX Wallet, there will be no special software or hardware required for individuals to host data cloud nodes.

A minimum staking of 20,000 CPX tokens will be required to operate a data cloud node. Data cloud nodes will also require a minimum storage capacity and network bandwidth, but further specifications for running a data cloud node will be released in Q4 of 2018.

Participants will have the flexibility to operate nodes based on the two following use cases: First, community nodes will be operated by community members at a minimal cost, as they don’t require data transaction and storage performance or key performance indicators (KPI). Second, enterprise nodes, which will have stricter requirements on performance and data management rights to protect consumer data privacy, ownership rights, and comply with the GDPR.

Data cloud nodes will be incentivized through a data node scoring metric, earning a portion of data transaction fees, as well as a portion of data storage fees.

For more information about APEX Network visit one of the links below.