GhostMarket has added support for Carrot Swap to its multi-chain NFT marketplace. This allows users to purchase NFTs using Neo X tokens other than the currency requested on a listing. The implementation is designed to reduce user friction when buying, bidding, and placing offers on NFTs that reside on the Neo EVM sidechain.
When a buyer opts to purchase an NFT, they can pay with the Neo X-supported cryptocurrency of their choice, and GhostMarket will perform the necessary token swaps at the time of purchase. By leveraging Carrot Swap on the back end, the user doesn’t have to leave GhostMarket to swap the tokens, which will be handled on the NFT platform.
At the point of purchase, the user simply needs to swap tokens within the GhostMarket UI when buying an NFT on the marketplace. Once the swap concludes, GhostMarket’s smart contract will automatically purchase or bid on the chosen NFT in the seller’s desired currency.
GhostMarket platform users can use the Carrot Swap-enabled feature to purchase individual NFTs or perform bulk buys of multiple NFTs.
About Carrot Swap
Carrot Swap launched its Discord server in Q3 2023 and was an AWS award winner in the Neo APAC Hackathon. In Oct. 2023, the team launched an incentivized TestNet campaign and put a call out for beta testers to explore the features of its AMM-based non-custodial exchange built on Neo X.
The campaign comprises a variety of missions that are available via the CarrotFi leaderboard. Examples of tasks include connecting social accounts, inviting friends, using the faucet, and making transactions. TestNet assets included GAS, bNEO, USDT, USDC, WBTC, and WETH. The team noted that more than 25,000 wallet addresses participated in this campaign phase.
In Aug. 2024, Carrot Swap launched on the Neo X MainNet with initial support for GAS, NDMEME (the NeoDashboard memecoin), xMATIC (wrapped MATIC), and xBNB (wrapped BNB).
The full announcement can be found at the link below:
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
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