COZ recently announced new versions of the Mamba and Neon.js SDKs, making them available for developers looking to build with the new N3 RC2 version. The team also announced the start of its own internal hackathon.

The Flyby hackathon is intended as a test-drive for N3 tooling in the lead up to the public Neo Frontier Hackathon launch. The event pits seven teams against each other, who will participate in a friendly competition while building projects that will help set examples for future Neo developers. Projects will be made public following the event’s conclusion on May 21.


Mamba, the Python SDK, was equipped with a number of new features needed for developers to build backend solutions that interact with Neo. New functions in the standard library native contract, the use of JSONPath for Oracle response filtering, and support for new GAS burning and refuelling mechanisms are just a few of the changes that were required to bring the SDK in line with the latest Neo core version.

The SDK also comes bundled with the Blink VM, an alternate NeoVM implementation written in C++. Blink VM was also upgraded for RC2 compatibility and provides a high performance execution environment.


COZ’s SDK for JavaScript developers received similar updates to the Python project, chiefly focused on adapting to core protocol improvements. Various naming changes, support for features in contract manifests, and the new BurnGas system call are notable modifications in the new version.

As the maintainers for Mamba and Neon.js are focused primarily on remaining compatible with the N3 core, less time has been available to spend on documentation and ease of use. As N3 continues to stabilize, the focus will turn back towards user experience. In the meantime, developers can find existing resources on