China-based NEO development community NewEconoLabs (NEL) has released its bi-weekly development reports for March 2019, noting improvements to the dAPI standard and progress on the Teemo extension wallet. The first bi-weekly report can be read here, and the second may be found here.

NEO dAPI Standard

NEL has been contributing to an open NEO enhancement proposal for a dAPI standard, initiated by developers from O3 Labs. Since the start of March, three main suggestions have been submitted.

The first suggestion is for network information to be optional, with the wallet defining which network should be accessed. This change would remove the need for additional, meaningless network data being required by the dAPI.

Secondly, NEL recommended that the invoke structure includes a description field, which would allow a dApp to provide brief descriptions whenever a contract operation is called. This is hoped to provide users with an easy way to understand the invocation, and would be displayed on the Teemo wallet’s confirmation page prior to a transaction being sent.

The final suggestion is that an interface should be added that allows the dApp to obtain an address from a script hash, which is the standard format for contract query and execution results.

Teemo Extension Wallet

NEL has continued work on its Google Chrome extension wallet, Teemo, which has successfully integrated all of the required interfaces and events from the dAPI standard. The CGAS redemption and transfer functions have been completed, in addition to the transaction history and QR code displays.

Teemo may be downloaded and installed manually via the official website, though it has also been added to the Chrome app store. Installation instructions for this process may be found here.

The team has also provided documentation for NEO developers that wish to use Teemo to reduce the time they need to spend on front-end dApp development. The English documentation may be found here.

NEO Core

NEL has contributed to the ongoing development of neo-cli v2.10, most notably by discovering a bug that causes the network cost of a transaction to be insufficient. This may prevent the node from relaying the transaction.

Consensus has not yet been reached on the appropriate calculation method for transactions over 1024 bytes, but in the meantime, NEL has proposed a solution.

The team also released its own customized neo-cli version with support for a unique plugin, RestoreDB. RestoreDB allows nodes to be synchronized much faster than using ImportBlocks with a normal bootstrap package, though it does make some compromises on security. More information on neo-cli-nel and RestoreDB can be found here.

Other Projects

The bi-weekly reports also include development information for the NEO Name Service and BlaCat projects. Currently, progress on NNS is focused on the continued development of the NNS DEX and its contract. NEL is also building a marketplace for BlaCat and has completed debugging of its Paypal payment service