Neo Candy has announced a bounty program with 20 million CANDY in available rewards. The purpose of the bounty program is to promote dApps built with Neo N3 and to help developers new to the ecosystem with tooling. To participate, contestants can create and submit a piece of content that relates to the purpose of the program.

Examples of content might include outlining why Neo is an excellent choice for smart contracts, coding NEP-11 or NEP-17 contracts in various languages, or highlighting dApps in the Neo ecosystem.

Currently, two mediums of content qualify for submission: video and written article. Video submissions must meet specific criteria (i.e., HD quality, clear audio, proper descriptions) and provide original content. Blog posts must be written on Medium, between 1,500 and 3,000 words, and include references. More information about the criteria can be found here.

The CANDY bounty varies for the two different types of content. The bounty table offers between 250,000 and 2 million CANDY rewards for video content. For written content, between 50,000 and 500,000 CANDY rewards are available.

At the time of press, the bounty program has no end date.

About Neo Candy

CANDY is a community token designed to reward people for interacting with dApps in the Neo ecosystem. The goal for the token is to strengthen and grow the Neo community through supporting various projects.

The Neo Candy team has distributed the NEP-17 tokens through airdrops, contests, giveaways, tipbots, competitions, and games. Recently, Neo Candy released an NFT series on the Sky Hut NFT marketplace. Each NFT contained a random number of CANDY tokens, splitting a pool of 1 million tokens amongst the 10 NFTs.

To learn more, visit the bounty program information page at the link below: