Neobox has launched a Telegram app that rewards users with XCrystals points for performing tasks such as following Neobox social media accounts and inviting friends to the app. Users who accumulate the most XCrystals are ranked against one another on a leaderboard, and the top accumulators will share from a forthcoming rewards pool.
Quests on the Neobox Telegram app include following social media accounts (i.e., Neobox, Neo, and Frank Coin), joining the Neobox Telegram channel, reading Neo News Today articles, and liking and retweeting posts. Additionally, users can earn points for inviting friends to join the app.
In a conversation with NNT, the Neobox team stated they intend to launch a Tamagotchi-like game that will offer a player-versus-player functionality. Though, the team has not released any further information. XCrystals are planned for used for in-game items on the forthcoming Tamagotchi-like game, vouchers, and mini-games (i.e., slot machine to win NEO or GAS), and to exchange for NEOBOX NEP-17 tokens.
About Neobox
Neobox is a Dropbox-like app that lets users upload and access files stored on NeoFS. The platform is currently a minimum viable product, with features continuing to periodically roll out. Currently, Neobox users can upload smaller files to the application, access several mini-games, and use a word processor called NeoDocs to create text or PDF files.
Ultimately, users will be able to create, delete, upload, and share files and folders. For now, the app offers limited functionality; while files can be uploaded and shared, they currently can’t be removed.
The back-end of the Neobox Telegram application is completely hosted on the NeoFS distributed file storage network via Neobox. Further, any future Telegram integrations released by Neobox are planned to be stored on NeoFS.
Users can visit the application at the link below:
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
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