Neo St Petersburg Competence Center (NeoSPCC) has released an updated version of neofs-local, a private development environment for building and testing applications that use NeoFS.

The local NeoFS environment, which runs in a docker container, contains all the necessary components to get up and running. This includes 10 storage nodes, 4 inner ring nodes, the CLI, the HTTP gateway, and now also includes a local version of the Send.NeoFS upload service.

Setup instructions have been provided for starting up a local NeoFS network and using the various available functions. Optional instructions have also been included on how to integrate the storage network with a private Neo blockchain, allowing for contract and payment tests.

After setting up a local instance of NeoFS, users can start a private drop-in service with make local_drop and access it via the web UI at localhost:7001.

Coupled with the recently published NeoFS Proto library, developers have all the tools they need to test the API and create Go applications with native support for NeoFS storage.

The original article can be read at the following link: