Neo St Petersburg Competence Center has released a new and improved version of its N3 RC1-compatible Go node. The V0.94.1 update builds on the initial release by correcting inconsistencies with the C# implementation and improving documentation.

For smart contract developers, the team has provided new Go examples for creating NEP-11 compliant NFTs and performing oracle requests. Other service documentation was also improved for RC1, with updated information for using NeoGo as a state validator, oracle node, and RPC server.

On the protocol side, the release mostly involves bug fixes for the oracle and state validation services, which were differing from the reference implementation. Added features include new RPC client methods for NEP-11 contracts and NNS, a new RPC method for calculating network fee, and support for multisig contract deployment.

V0.94.1 is intended to be the last RC1-compatible release. Users updating from V0.94.0 will need to perform a full node resynchronization due to changes in storage structures. The team also notes some changes to the SDK APIs, intended to improve developer experience, although these may break existing code.

The full changelog and node download can be found at the following link: