Aphelion has temporarily halted exchange withdrawals following the discovery of a balance discrepancy between the trading contract and NEO explorer readings. The discrepancy was discovered in a standard security audit, and further investigation uncovered a vulnerability that allows UTXO-based assets such as NEO and GAS to be withdrawn from the contract.

The team has temporarily disabled markets and de-whitelisted approved KYC users to prevent additional funds from being deposited to the trading contract. Withdrawals of NEO and GAS have been frozen temporarily.

On February 10th, Aphelion CEO Ian Holtz posted an update informing that the bug had been verified, fixed, and the team was moving the new contract TestNet for further testing. Once testing is complete, the new contract will be deployed to MainNet and be available within one week.

All users will be able to access assets stored on the old contract, and the Aphelion wallet itself is unaffected and remains accessible.