On September 28th, 2018, UPbit paired GAS and ONG (Ontology Gas) with the Korean Won (KRW) fiat market. UPbit is an exchange based in South Korea, launched by the company that owns Korea’s most popular chat app, Kakao Talk. UPbit is the second largest exchange in Korea by volume. At the time of this article, UPbit ranks 8th in 24 hour volume globally.
Additionally, UPbit will provide opportunities for its users to receive GAS and ONG from holding NEO and Ontology (ONT). For GAS and ONG distribution, snapshots will be taken every Friday, between 21:00 and 22:20 (GMT +9). On the following Monday, GAS payments will be made before noon, and ONG payments made in the afternoon.
UPbit will provide GAS/KRW and ONG/KRW trading opportunities across its desktop webpage, mobile webpage, and Android and iOS applications.
Transaction fees will cost 0.05%.
UPbit can be found at the following link: https://upbit.com/home
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
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