A partnership between Asura Coin and Spotcoin was recently announced with an aim to support each platform’s ecosystem. Notably, it’s claimed that the “partnership will be a deeper relationship to assist each other in the future than just a surface layer partnership.”

Asura Coin is creating what it calls the “world’s first self-sustainable eSports platform.” The platform will feature community events, tournament hosting, living streaming and betting all in one place. Spotcoin is an OTC clearing house between fiat and cryptocurrencies that is also creating an automated digital currency exchange.

As both platforms are being built on the NEO blockchain, the two projects share a close synergy. Asura Coin’s ASA token will be listed on Spotcoin’s fiat exchange, whilst Asura will assist Spotcoin in return through an airdrop of SPOT tokens to members of the Asura ecosystem.

More details about the partnership can be read here.