BlaCat, a decentralized application and software development kit for blockchain game developers, has posted its development report for the first week of October.

The update includes numerous improvements to the platform’s infrastructure, alongside BCP/BCT token support in the wallet and user grade/certificate design. Readers can view the full list of changes here.

The team also forecasted next week’s improvements, which have an emphasis on optimization. BlaCat aims to make the platform more user-friendly for international users, by improving the multi-language system and default language settings. Additionally, development will begin on supporting GAS purchases from within the app.

BlaCat co-hosted the NEO Game Development Competition that was held early last month. This initiative into blockchain gaming was the first of its kind on the NEO blockchain, with a fruitful result for its participants. In total, 39 blockchain games were incubated from a total of 248 entries.

Chen Xi, founder of BlaCat, mentioned that the platform will work towards the completion of its architecture in the next “six to twelve months,” in an interview with Chinese blockchain news outlet Coinness.

More information about BlaCat can be found at the links below.