On March 18th, Bridge Protocol announced it had received approval to list the Bridge Passport extension in the Google Chrome Web Store and that it is now available to download. The Bridge Passport allows users to manage know your customer (KYC) and anti-money laundering (AML) information for personal verification and compliance.

The approval of the Passport in the Chrome Web Store follows a beta testing phase that began in November of 2018. During the testing, Bridge community members contributed feedback on their experience with the product.

In addition to Chrome, the Bridge Passport web extension also works Opera, Brave, Firefox, and other Chromium compliant web browsers. Bridge states that these browsers offer access to over 1 billion users.

In conjunction with the release of the Bridge Passport, the team has also open-sourced the Bridge Passport Browser Extension on its GitHub page. Further, Bridge is offering access to its API for “unified integration.”

Smart Contract and New Token

Bridge recently launched its new smart contract and accompanying NEP-8 compliant token. The NEP-8 standard offers “the necessity of increased security and the dynamic invoke function of the token.” The ticker symbol has changed from the original TOLL to the new symbol, BRDG.

The TOLL token snapshot and BRDG token swap took place on March 15th, 2019 at a ratio of one-to-one. Token holders were not required to take any specific action. Bridge shared its token source code with HitBTC, Switcheo DEX, and Aphelion DEX for seamless user experiences during the token swap.

Bridge burnt over 50% of the company supply, issuing itself a total of 221,903,960 BRDG tokens, meaning the community nows holds the majority share of the new 450,000,000 total supply.

The Bridge Passport can be downloaded from the below link: