Conjure has released an initial “prototype” of its planned multimedia publishing platform. The prototype focuses on “UI/UX concepts, content discovery, and rewards/sorting methods” and is intended to “provide a look, feel, and general idea of what to expect on the Conjure platform.”
Conjure aims to disrupt the online media sharing platform monopoly and return control to independent content creators. Conjure seeks to “decentralize the content monetization process” by using cryptocurrency to facilitate direct agreements between content creators and advertisers.

Conjure web browser prototype
In a companion article posted on Medium, Conjure provided details on its content sorting rewards system.
Sorting and Rewards
Upon uploading content to the Conjure platform, users will be required to assign their media to specific categories, or “realms.” Realms can have subcategories; for example, “comedy” may be a child-realm of “movies.”
Conjure outlines a system in which content receives CJR token rewards based on its performance within its realm, relative to other content in that same realm.
To illustrate with an example, Conjure collected data for over 100 movies from IMDB across five genres: action, animation, comedy, drama, and horror. It then used views, votes, and comments as metrics for performance and ran them through its rewards formulas.
Each metric is weighted (views 75%, votes 15%, comments 10%) and calculated against the total activity of its parent realm to determine the portion of available rewards.
For example, if the “movies” realm received 10% of all Conjure activity, it would receive 10% of the total rewards pool. If the “animation” category received 5% of the activity within the movie realm, it would receive 5% of the original 10%. (i.e., if 100% is 100,000 CJR, movies would receive 10,000 CJR, animation would receive 500 CJR)
Content will then be evaluated on a similar formula, taking into account more specific qualitative indicators such as upvotes instead of total votes.
A detailed formula breakdown with examples can be found in the Medium article.
Conjure recognizes that there are several issues it has yet to solve, such as time (it should be harder for older content to collect rewards), and how to handle multi-realm classifications when content could realistically fall into various categories (e.g., movies > sports + documentary).
Conjure also notes that this reward process is not planned to be the primary revenue source for its users, but rather a “creative stimulus to the platform” and a method of ranking and sorting content.
The Conjure prototype can be found at the below link:
About The Author: Dean Jeffs
Dean is a digital project manager who has worked extensively with start ups and agencies in the marketing space. Fascinated by the potential applications of blockchain technology, Dean has a passion for realising the new smart economy.
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