FLETA has announced that it signed a strategic partnership with Neo, making a commitment to using NeoVM on its MainNet for executing smart contracts. This was made possible by the decoupling of NeoVM from the Neo core protocol in 2019, intended to expand its possible application scenarios.

Through the use of a multi-chain structure, FLETA aims to provide a scalable platform for dApps. Each dApp operates on an independent chain with its own specific governance and reward mechanism, responsible for its own transactions. Inter-chain communication is managed through the Main Chain, which can also be used to create new dApp chains.

At the start of the year, FLETA released a roadmap noting its intentions to release a MainNet SDK in Q1 and a payment system for using FLETA tokens in real-world services in Q2. For later in the year, the team highlighted its focus on improving MainNet performance with improvements to different aspects of its architecture, such as its parallel sharding system.

In its partnership announcement, FLETA claimed that the first use case for the NeoVM integration will be a “Real World Data-based Clinical Data Registry Platform using Blockchain.” The solution is intended to “be a driving force to medical fields as the industry aims to prevent manipulation of medical data.”

Initial clinical data will be provided by the KyungHee University Medical Center in Seoul, South Korea, and is hoped to improve the accuracy of the platform.

The announcement can be found at the link below: