FTW has updated the community on the progress of its blockchain lottery platform in a Medium post, September 7th. The update reported on two development milestones – OTC trading and a NEP-5 lottery platform.
The cashier, or OTC trading feature is noted to be “on its way”. FTW claims that the OTC component will be “purely decentralized” with NEP-5 token compatibility and trust handled by smart contracts. This new feature will allow tokens to be bought and sold without being listed on exchanges, thus making tokens tradeable as soon as they are minted. A demo screenshot showing the app in action can be seen here.
FTW is also working on the addition of a NEP-5 lottery platform, which can “easily integrate other NEP-5 as prize pools and allow people to play with them.” The NEP-5 platform will include incentives for drawing and verifying lotteries, as well as from prize pools and ticket prices.
One challenge noted by FTW is that it is only able to support NEP-5 tokens that can make a transfer without using the checkWitness function. APH, CGAS and NNS were all found to be compatible, and FTW is actively looking for more tokens to support.
FTW is currently in TestNet and states it has “heard a lot of positive comments” about it its progress, with v2 of the platform is scheduled for launch in Q4 2018.
More information on FTW can be found at the links below.
About The Author: Matthew North
Matthew North is a freelance writer and journalist who resides in East Asia. He spends his time writing and learning about financial technologies like the Blockchain and digital currencies. You can follow him on twitter @fintech_matthew.
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