The GrantShares DAO has officially launched on MainNet. The platform serves as a decentralized funding channel, enabling grants for all kinds of Neo ecosystem development including designing, advertising, networking, and project development.

GrantShares is a transparent DAO that allows any community member to open proposals such as funding requests. After a proposal has been submitted, it is opened on GitHub for public discussion by the Neo community. This allows users in the ecosystem to participate in the process and influence the outcome of each proposal.

Following the discussion stage, Grantshares DAO members may then endorse and vote on the outcome of a given proposal. The initial members of GrantShares are AxLabs, COZ, Red4Sec, NGD, NeoSPCC, NNT, NEXT, NeoResearch, and NGD Enterprise.

Current Proposals can be viewed via the GrantShares web app. The first successful proposal was approved on April 7, allocating 825 NEO for development of the recently launched Greenfinch API. The API is designed to simplify integration with NeoFS for other apps in the ecosystem.

The GrantShares treasury is primarily sourced from the Neo Foundation. Grants of up to US $50,000 can be distributed by the DAO, providing a new way for builders in the community to bootstrap their projects or other ecosystem contributions.

More information about the GrantShares launch can be read at the following link: