The Singapore-based Jarvis+ (Jarvis Plus) project is in the process of creating a cloud-based artificial intelligence — a decentralized conversation platform — which will function as a bot service, translation engine, and a smart contract creation tool. Jarvis+ foresees a future in which the interface between humans and computers has progressed from using the keyboard, mouse, and touchscreen, to voice interaction. The project’s goal is for “everyone to use conversation interaction to embrace the blockchain and smart economy”. The Jarvis+ project wants to build artificial intelligence to directly program smart contracts in computer languages using voice commands. This natural interface of conversation is intended to bring blockchain technology to the masses.

The Jarvis+ project is a platform that is designed to run apps centered on both conversation and translation. Jarvis+ foresees conversational A.I. being useful in the following scenarios where blockchain is used: managing cryptocurrency user communities, transacting cryptocurrencies across platforms, and giving voice-based direction and interaction to internet communities.

Jarvis+ aims to use a bot service to connect the various instant messaging platforms, claiming this is the way to break the monopoly of individual messaging platforms such as WeChat in China, or Facebook Messenger in the West.  Jarvis+ will also provide cross-chain support through a “hash locking” mechanism that enables atomic swaps and writing to multiple blockchains.

Jarvis+ also wants to provide seamless translation between the world’s languages by using neural network translation, which it claims is superior to other technology, especially in the case of translation between Chinese and English languages.  Jarvis+ seeks language-free communication to unify its user base and contribute to its smart economy network. In the end, it wants to deliver a cloud-based service to “transact conversations on smart contracts across public blockchains”.

The Jarvis+ project gets its name from the Marvel comic book, Iron Man. Iron Man’s high-tech suit of armor contains an A.I. assistant, J.A.R.V.I.S., who communicates with the comic’s hero using a natural language interface.

Apps on Jarvis

Smart contract conversion is a major goal of the project. Jarvis+ seeks to use a trader’s natural language to issue commands for sending, trading, or buying an asset; translate the command into a smart contract execution script; and then convert the execution script into byte streams that can be executed and stored on the blockchain. In other words, Jarvis+ smart contract execution engine intends to translate verbal commands into transactions on a blockchain. This would also allow traders to program and execute smart contracts by voice.

The @JarvisPlusHelper bot on Telegram informs curious users about two other working English language demos on the Telegram platform: @XContractDemoBot, which quotes cryptocurrency exchange rates on demand, and the @PaulJarvisBot, which administers a World Cup quiz in the @JarvisPlus Telegram group.


The @JarvisPlusHelper bot stated on Telegram that “We have planned to make token with nep5, but it is difficult to list on exchange when we negotiated with them. So we will make token with erc20 first.” The bot further claimed that NEO invested capital into the Jarvis+ project during its first round of fundraising in February.  The Jarvis+ project is accepting NEO in its tokensale. It will then be created as an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain, and migrate to its own MainNet, which will use a DPoS (delegated proof of stake) consensus mechanism. From this point, establishing fluent cross-chain compatibility with the NEO and ETH platforms is listed as a core goal of the project.

The Jarvis ecosystem will use Jarvis+ coins (JAR) and Jarvis+ Gas (JPG), with JAR used as the governing token, used to participate in the voting and management of the project, and JPG serving as the fuel token, used to participate in smart contract generation and execution. JPG will be slowly distributed to JAR holders in every block over 22 years after the Jarvis+ MainNet goes live, in a similar manner to the timed release of NEO’s GAS token. A maximum of 45 percent of the total JAR supply will be offered during investment rounds. The team’s allocation is 10 percent, with an additional 10 percent for partners, and 35 percent for community operations.

The fundraising goal (hard cap) is US$3,900,000.


Jarvis+ is the property of the X-Contract Foundation. The foundation is incorporated in Singapore, and contains game and software designers specializing in A.I., as well as multiple team members with ties to Microsoft China. NEO Global Capital and Fenbushi Capital are listed as early investors, with NEO Global Capital’s own Tony Tao serving as an advisor to the project.


Jarvis+ expects to release a beta of their smart contract conversion tool on the Ethereum blockchain in the fourth quarter of 2018. Support for the NEO blockchain is expected to follow shortly thereafter. The project states that the Jarvis+ tool will be generally available worldwide in the fourth quarter of 2019.

The token is currently for sale in the second of three phases, the “Private Sale”, and offered at 1200 JAR:1 NEO. The public sale will follow, at a rate of 1000 JAR:1 NEO.

For more information on the Jarvis+ project, see the links below.