Neo Global Development (NGD) Eco Growth manager, John Wang, recently participated in the Consensus: Distributed virtual event on May 11th, 2020. In his presentation entitled, The Core Value of Ecosystems — Focus or Diversification?, Wang argued his belief that “diversification and a focused approach to ecosystem development are key for success.”

According to Wang, NGD is adopting a two-pronged approach to develop Neo’s ecosystem. As blockchain is still immature and large scale use cases for blockchain have not yet emerged, Wang stated that NGD intends to explore and capitalize on a variety of opportunities that arise across various fields and verticals.

One of the methods through which NGD aims to achieve this is the Neo EcoBoost program, which provides differing levels of support based on where a project is in its development stage. To date, the EcoBoost program has supported over ten projects across diverse fields and development stages, such as non-custodial exchanges, wallets, dApps, and infrastructure protocols.

Through EcoBoost, we are fostering an environment which empowers developers to realize their vision within the Neo ecosystem. In the future, we will continue supporting high-potential projects, particularly within the field of digital assets.

To complement this diversified effort, NGD is also driving a focused approach that seeks to utilize Neo’s “unique comparative advantage and technological edge” to fulfil Neo’s vision of building a Smart Economy.

To this end, Neo has established business partnerships to build out core ecosystem components. These include: a NeoID digital identity candidate by Swisscom; NeoFS, a distributed, decentralized object storage system by Neo St. Petersburg Competence Center (Neo SPCC); and, STO innovations by Liquefy.

Wang believes this dual approach is key to unlocking the potential of the Neo blockchain:

Both elements play key roles in an ecosystem’s success; the public chain is the technical core of the entire ecosystem while eco-projects are at the heart of a network’s value added. Thus, technology determines the advantages of the public chain while the ecosystem determines how the public chain is used.

Source: John Wang’s presentation at Consensus: Distributed

Additionally, Wang noted that NGD will be launching an Early Adoption Program to facilitate the migration of dApps and projects from Neo2 to Neo3. The program is expected to offer support and resources to encourage more projects to develop on Neo3 in its early stages.

Though no firm launch date has been announced, Wang emphasized that user help and feedback gained through the Early Adoption Program will be paramount to Neo3’s success.

The presentation transcript can be found at the link below: