APEX Network has announced the third and final wave of its KRATOS One special node rewards program. The KRATOS Program was designed for future APEX token (CPX) holding voternodes, to act as participants in the voting process and provide a check-and-balance to supernodes that process and validate transactions. An overview of the APEX node system was previously covered by NEO News Today.
To recap, the KRATOS reward pool was composed of 2 million CPX, to be distributed to users, based on the amount of CPX they’ve staked and their voternode tiering status. The KRATOS One early participation program was designed to reward participants in three waves, spread across a timeframe of four months (from July through October of 2018). Reward distribution was established upon a tier-based system, where each tier is defined as follows:
- Genesis: 400,000 CPX or more
- Tier One: 200,000 to 399,999 CPX
- Tier Two: 70,000 to 199,999 CPX
In the previous wave of KRATOS One, participants in the First and Genesis tiers were to receive cross-chain token rewards comprised of APEX-associated projects: UChain (UCN) and Atlas (ATLS). However, following requests received through community feedback, APEX Network will replace the cross-chain tokens with CPX. They’ll be offering Tier 1 participants an additional 1,000 CPX tokens and Genesis Tier participants with 3,000 CPX tokens.
The final CPX distribution for the second wave of the KRATOS One will be delivered by end of business on Wednesday, October 31st.
KRATOS One’s final wave
The snapshot for the third wave of KRATOS One is scheduled to take place at 18:00 Beijing time (UTC +8) on Tuesday, October 30th.
The following week, APEX will release an updated version of its wallet, which will offer the ability for users to access their rewards. The reward claiming function will require the user to provide their CPX staking address.
It is noted participants “should hold at least the same tier starting from the snapshot [until] the time of claiming.”
Moving forward, APEX has noted it is “likely that there will be additional special node program(s) before MainNet launch, of which details and format will be announced after KRATOS One concludes.”
For more information about APEX Network visit one of the links below.
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
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