The team behind Moonlight, a decentralized workforce platform on NEO, have released a new, full-featured token sale template, with the intention of making token sales much more accessible for C# developers in the NEO ecosystem. The template’s release follows the news about Moonlight’s own token sale, which recently began the initial KYC (Know Your Customer) phase in preparation for the first round of sales. Details on the Moonlight LX token sale can be found here.

NEO’s virtual machine implementation allows for smart contracts to be developed in multiple languages through the use of compilers. This is touted as one of the core advantages of the platform, as it means programmers do not need to learn a new language in order to begin development.

However, as smart contracts are still a relatively new phenomenon, it is highly beneficial to have templates and examples to use as reference material. One of the most popular languages for developing dApps on NEO is Python, due to the release of a Python-based token sale template by the Neon Exchange team.

Moonlight’s C# token sale template includes a wide range of features, and according to the team it has been thoroughly reviewed and audited to ensure that it is robust and safe to be used by any project that would like to execute a token sale on the NEO platform. The full feature list is as follows:

  • All NEP-5 Methods, including allowance, transferFrom, and approve
  • Support for NEP-10
  • Purchase of tokens with both NEO and GAS
  • Presale methods which support tiered vesting without blocking the accounts from additional purchase
  • KYC whitelisting and participation groups with variable participation blockHeight and allocations
  • Immediate token minting upon purchase (no lock-up)
  • Multi-Stage vesting for founders allocation
  • Contract Migration
  • Presale allocation locking
  • Partial refunds at hardcap
  • Vested project token allocation

These features will allow a project to fine-tune the token sale to match their own specific requirements, and may help encourage more C# developers to consider building their own smart contracts on NEO. The Moonlight token sale template and relevant documentation can be found on GitHub, which you can access here

Additionally, Moonlight also announced today that NEO Global Capital Partner Piyush Chaplot has joined the project as an Advisor. Piyush’s experience in the tech market and success as an entrepreneur “will serve to bolster Moonlight’s strategic positioning in the NEO ecosystem as the Smart Economy Workforce.” The full announcement along with information about Piyush’s background can be found here.

More information on Moonlight can be found at the links below.