On June 3rd, Nash announced on Twitter that it was invited to speak at the Romania Blockchain Summit on June 21st and 22nd. The conference is organized under the aegis of the Romanian Ministry for Communications and Information Society (MCSI) and will be held at the Palace of Parliament in Bucharest, Romania.

The MCSI is organized by the Romanian government and operates as a specialized body responsible for “implementing government policy in the field of electronic communications, postal services, information technology and information society.” This includes the planning, organizing, directing, coordinating and controlling of government operations within the aforementioned fields.

The Romania Blockchain Summit website states various objectives for the conference. These include “establishing a dialogue between the Romanian Government, regulators and the private sector in the blockchain area,” and functioning as “a platform for networking and business matchings leading to new partnerships that will generate new successful projects in the blockchain industry.”

Other notable speakers at the conference include Mihai Alisie, co-founder of Ethereum and founder at Akasha Project; Douglas Anderson, CEO at Wall Street Capital Partners; Antonios Koumbarakis, senior manager at PwC Zurich; and Alexandru Petrescue, the minister of Romania’s MCSI.

Fabio Canesin, Nash’s co-founder, will represent the company as a speaker at the event. Nash was founded in 2017 as Neon Exchange (NEX), but underwent rebranding to Nash in early 2019. The FinTech company aims to make decentralized finance accessible to everybody by “combining revolutionary technology with simple, intuitive interfaces.”

Nash recently published a detailed quarterly report outlining Q1 2019 progress which NEO News Today summarized here.