The nDapp Neo application discovery platform has been relaunched with an updated design and new features for exploring network activity. The revamped nDapp includes a curated list of projects with active smart contracts on the Neo Legacy MainNet.
New features
nDapp now offers new ways to search for Neo-based projects, such as via the number of transactions or wallet compatibility. Like previous iterations, users can still search for a project by name and category. Examples of categories include DeFi, identity, interoperability, and more. Projects can also be sorted by 24 hour transaction volume or alphabetically.
nDapp uses COZ’s Dora blockchain explorer API to gather its smart contract statistics. On the detailed project page, users can view a round up of all dApp activity, or select individual contracts for inspection. A graph allows the user to view transactions over the past 30 days and browse daily totals.
nDapp also provides basic blockchain statistics such as total network contracts, addresses, and transactions. Other features include a news feed from Neo News Today, wallet compatibility per project, and project social media links.
nDapp has been a source for dApp information in the Neo ecosystem since early 2018. It was initially managed by the Neo team, before ownership was handed over to NEXT in early 2020. Neo News Today assumed responsibility for nDapp.org in Dec. 2020.
Speaking on the project, NNT founder Dean Jeffs said:
“We’re really pleased to bring a new version of nDapp.org to the community. With Neo3 on the horizon, I think it’s going to be really valuable to have a user friendly Neo-focused dApp discovery resource. As more projects are attracted to the ecosystem, we will give users new tools to find out which dApps are the most active within the network. What we are releasing today is essentially version one. We already have new features in the pipe, but we are keen to hear community feedback and feature requests.”
Looking forward, NNT plans to offer more insight and exploration features, as well as Neo3 support.
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
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