The Neo EVM sidechain naming campaign has now entered its second phase, titled “Your Vote Matters.” Following the completion of the initial phase, the campaign shifts to a community vote before moving onto the final decision.
In phase one, the Neo community submitted over 300 name suggestions for Neo’s new EVM-compatible sidechain. These submissions were reviewed by Neo Global Development and narrowed down to 20, focusing on their originality and relevance to Neo’s Smart Economy vision.
Voting Phase
The voting phase, running from Nov. 17 to Nov. 27, involves the community voting on the shortlisted top 20 names. Participants are encouraged to review the top 20 names, along with their narratives and creative content, which have been made available on the Neo Medium. Five names can be selected by each voter, with their choices submitted via the voting form.
As an incentive, the campaign offers a total prize pool of US $4,000 in tokens for this phase, divided between voters and advocates. For voters, $3,000 will be distributed among 300 individuals who vote and submit their Neo N3 addresses, selected randomly. For advocates, $1,000 will be distributed among 100 individuals who complete tasks in Neo’s Galxe Campaign, with winners chosen randomly.
Final Phase: The Ultimate Decision
Following the completion of the voting phase, the campaign will transition into its third and final stage, “The Ultimate Decision,” from Nov. 27 to Nov 30. In this concluding phase, a panel of judges from the Neo Foundation, Neo Global Development, and the Neo community will review the top 5 names selected by the popular vote. They will then make the final decision, selecting the name that best represents Neo’s new sidechain. The chosen “Master Creator” will be awarded a $10,000 prize, with four “Honorable Creators” receiving $1,000 each.
More information can be found at the link below:
About The Author: Dean Jeffs
Dean is a digital project manager who has worked extensively with start ups and agencies in the marketing space. Fascinated by the potential applications of blockchain technology, Dean has a passion for realising the new smart economy.
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