NEO is collecting questions for an AMA on the NEO subreddit from today until 3:59pm (UTC) on Friday, December 15th. The topic of discussion will be the NEO Developer Competition and responses will be posted on Wednesday, December 20th.
NEO is an open-source blockchain project which is an industry leader amongst Chinese public blockchain projects, and supported by a large international community. In order to nurture blockchain developers and motivate promising community projects NEO and Microsoft have collaborated to host the first NEO Developer Competition, aiming to create a richer ecosystem and launch excellent blockchain applications.
Answers to the AMA will be provided by Malcom, Senior R&D Manager of the NEO blockchain community and Peter Lin, NEO blockchain community developer, who is currently developing for Onchain and NEO.
The NEO Developer Competition has a prize pool valued at USD $490,000, with a first prize of USD $150,000 worth of GAS. As of December 8th, more than 250 individuals and teams from over 40 countries have signed up for the competition. The entries will be judged by NEO founders Da Hongfei and Eric Zhang, City of Zion founder Fabio Canesin, Elastos Founder Rong Chen, and Ontology founder Jun Li.
The competition website can be found here – https://neo.org/competition.html
You can begin submitting questions to the AMA thread here – https://www.reddit.com/r/NEO/comments/7iuoz3/ama_session_for_neo_developer_competition_begins/
About The Author: Dean Jeffs
Dean is a digital project manager who has worked extensively with start ups and agencies in the marketing space. Fascinated by the potential applications of blockchain technology, Dean has a passion for realising the new smart economy.
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