NEO Global Development (NGD) released NEO3 Preview1, accompanied by the launch of the first NEO3 TestNet. The preview release is intended to help introduce community developers to significant updates to be expected in NEO3. The most notable change is the move away from UTXO-based assets in favor of the account-based model currently used by NEP-5 tokens.

NEO and Celer Network announced a partnership to “improve [the] scalability and usability of [the] NEO dApp ecosystem for mass adoption.” Celer Network is a second layer solution that sits between the blockchain layer and dApp layer in a tech stack.

Additionally, Celer participated in NGD’s Chinese NEO LIVE event, which took place on WeChat. Celer China’s COO, Chao Qi, discussed how its layer two scaling solution handles off-chain transactions on the Celer Network.

NEO announced a partnership with MixMarvel, a blockchain-powered global game publishing platform. To establish the collaboration, MixMarvel will launch Ground Hunter, a first-person shooter (FPS) game featuring NEO blockchain integration. Ground Hunter, slated for release before the end of 2019, is an online PC FPS game that combines traditional off-chain gaming with on-chain NFT integration.

The NEO Foundation (NF) published a final version of its mid-year financial report, which outlines the NF’s NEO and GAS holdings, investment funds, and other assets. The report also provides details about the NF’s expenditures. As the financial report is a bi-yearly release, all valuations in the report are as of June 30th, 2019.

NGD hostedNEO JOY event in Chengdu, China and attracted an audience mostly comprised of exchange representatives, as well as a blockchain security firm.

Narrative participated in NGD’s English NEO LIVE event, which took place on Telegram. Four members from the Narrative team participated in the AMA and addressed questions regarding its upcoming “Publications” feature, development plans, and its economic reward model.

NGD Seattle chief architect, Harry Pierson, conducted a NEO workshop at the IEEE Global Blockchain Summit in Gaithersburg, US on September 18th. The Summit was held in coordination with the National Institute of Standards and Technology, an arm of the U.S. Department of Commerce.

NNT Catch Up

NEO News Today released podcast episode 14 with guest Harry Pierson, chief architect at NGD Seattle. In the episode, the two discuss Pierson’s long career with Microsoft, his experience working with John DeVadoss, and the tools he is building for the NEO platform.

On Wednesday, September 4th, NEO sponsored a hackathon, held in coordination with the Delft University of Technology and the University of Twente. The composition of hackathon participants was primarily cybersecurity students of the two universities, both of which specialize in the 4TU Cyber Security master’s program. NEO officially sponsored the event and supplied 500 GAS to launch the winning product’s smart contract on MainNet. The event was organized by NeoBlocks founder and COZ member, Thomas Lobker, at the request of NGD.

Developer Groups

Founders of NeoResearch, Igor and Vitor Coelho, published three articles outlining some of the new capabilities of NEO3. The topics of the articles concern Scoped Witness, Oracles, and NeoVM.

The first article, “Scoped Witnesses: How to Securely Transfer Assets on Neo 3,” written by Igor, outlines the new Scoped Witness function that was recently merged into the master branch of NEO3. The second article, written by Vitor, is titled “On the importance of Oracles: NEO 3.0 and dBFT” and details how NEO’s dBFT consensus mechanism plays a vital role in the development of oracles on NEO3. The third article, “Behind PR 149: a bright future for NeoVM and Neo 3,” written by Igor, outlines how NeoVM has been detached from the NEO blockchain to function as a pure virtual machine.

NewEconoLabs (NEL) released a fortnightly update, which includes updates on Neoray 2.0, the Teemo extension wallet, and its web wallet.


September 16th, Trinity released a fortnightly update, highlighting support for and confirmation of forced removal of channels.

September 16th, QLC Chain announced its intent to launch a QLC SIM card that supports the QLC blockchain ID. The SIM card can be programmed into different IoT devices and aims to “empower the IoT data security and exchange in the 5G era.”

September 17th, NEOFISH released a weekly update, which includes statistics regarding transactions, fishing data, and breeding volumes.

September 17th, FutureDAO released a fortnightly update highlighting front-end and server section progress. Among many fixes and updates, the team states they are “developing FutureDAO version 2.0.”

September 17th, Jarvis+ released its fortnightly report, which included the addition of a new function to the WeChat and AI application, as well as the development of other new features.

September 19th, Alphacat released its fortnightly report, which highlighted its latest ACAT CA-Lab research report, and updates to its real-time forecasting system.

September 20th, QLC Chain announced that following an upcoming QWallet update, “mobile plan bill payment will be supported for China Mobile Guangdong branch registered users.” According to QLC Chain, the Guangdong branch is the largest carrier branch in China.

September 20th, Nash conducted a maintenance update on its non-custodial exchange, which it claimed made order placement and cancellation responses three times faster.

Token Listings

SEAS and SEAC listed on


September 26th: NEO LIVE – NewEconoLabs (NEL).

September 26th: NEO Colorado meetup – Denver, US.

October 2 – 4th: Da Hongfei speaking at Delta Summit – Valetta, Malta.

October 5th: John Wang speaking at Unblock Tokyo: Ecosystem Fast Track – Tokyo, Japan.

October 10th: NEO LIVE – CardMaker.