NEO Global Development (NGD) has released its monthly report, covering July 2019. The report is an extensive look back at progress made by NGD Shanghai, NGD Seattle, and NEO’s worldwide community groups. By collecting the efforts of a wide community into a single report, NGD intends to keep the community informed, while placing an emphasis on development.


Development of NEO’s next iteration, NEO3, has seen increased focus after the deployment of the neo-cli v2.10.2 upgrade in June. Developers from NGD Shanghai and the global community continue to collaborate on GitHub, with much of the work led by NEO co-founder Erik Zhang, community developer Shargon of Red4Sec, and the Coelho brothers, Igor and Vitor, of NEO Research.

Improvements to the upcoming NEO3 codebase merged this month include consensus improvements, such as increased communication between nodes during times of trouble. A newly added “ChangeView.Reason” may allow for custom logic during and after “view changes” that occur when a proposed block is not approved.

Other merged code dealt with improvements to the mempool (pending transaction queue), memory leaks, multiple improvements to unit testing (quality assurance), code formatting, storage, and Virtual Machine (NEO’s distributed software computer) updates.

NGD’s Shanghai office has also finished an “internal review and audit” of the upcoming NEO3 white paper, and claims to be halfway through the design of NEO3’s voting and incentive mechanisms.

NEO’s current version, 2.10, is slated to receive support and bug fixes, but a minimum of new features until the launch of NEO3.

Ontology Joint Initiative

The month of July also saw the announcement of a partnership with the Ontology blockchain to create an interoperability protocol by which blockchains can interact with each other. The protocol, which seeks to add existing blockchains without the need for customization or modifications, also aims to achieve smart contract interactions across blockchains.

In other partnership news, over 50 major EcoBoost partners were announced in July across six categories: liquidity, wallets, media, channels, community, and security. EcoBoost’s next phase will focus on supporting entities building in the NEO ecosystem.

NGD Seattle

NEO Global Development’s Seattle office, which is focusing on developer tools and NEO’s developer experience, reported it has achieved a “first-class debugging experience” for NEO smart contracts, available inside Microsoft’s free Visual Studio Code editor. NGD Seattle intends to build on this foundation to offer full smart contract debugging for a variety of NEO’s supported languages across Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Community Development

The report also included extensive updates from global community development groups. A summary of these updates can be found in the infographic below, with some highlights including: COZ’s release of offline transaction signing in Neon Wallet version 2.3.0; NewEconoLabs continued refinement of its block explorer and development of its upcoming NEO Name Service DEX; NEO SPCC’s continued work on its NeoFS (distributed file storage) platform; and the Neow3j Java and Android library releasing its 2.0.0 milestone.

For more, visit NEO Global Development’s full July monthly report, which can be found at the following link: