On the 22nd of April, NeonExchange (NEX), a decentralized exchange built on the NEO blockchain, announced the Smart Economy Expo that will be held from the 2nd to the 4th of May, in Brussels, Belgium at the European Parliament. The Smart Economy Expo is an independent virtual organization backed by NEX and the City of Zion, a group of independent developers working on NEO. The expo will perform educational events and expositions focused on legislative and executive regulatory bodies across the globe.

The expo will promote technical education for law makers and regulators so they can establish “innovation friendly laws and regulations by 2020.” The expo will focus on the potential of blockchain technology and its use in economic, humanitarian, social and political fields. The disruption caused by the blockchain means that there is a need for new regulations that encompasses the needs of the new economy. Regulators also need to understand the elements of the blockchain and how it differs from current solutions.

The Smart Economy Expo aims to educate regulators about the blockchain and the benefits of using this technology. The main purpose of the expo is to provide an overview that can help regulators draft laws in Europe, and may encompass other locations around the world.

At the expo, five major projects will be featured: NEX, NEO, City of Zion, Ontology, and Moonlight, and will host two featured speakers for the event: Fabio C. Canesin, NeonExchange and City of Zion co-founder, and Da Hongfei, NEO & OnChain co-founder. It’s important to note that the expo is not open to the general public, but anyone can read more about it and its agenda on the Smart Economy Expo website.

Organizers of the event are planning to bring the exhibition to other parts of the world. Legislative body members who are interested in bringing the Smart Economy Expo to their countries can contact the organizers at contact@smarteconomyexpo.org.